A Tale of Perseverance and Expertise: The Modern Express Salvage Operation

Introduction In the unpredictable world of maritime salvage operations, every moment counts. The story of the Panama-registered vessel, the "Modern Express," is a testament to the skill, determination, and collaborative efforts that define the maritime industry. Facing treacherous conditions in the Bay of Biscay, the Modern Express and her crew found themselves in the midst of a harrowing ordeal. In this blog, we delve into the dramatic events and the successful salvage operation that ultimately saved the day. The Modern Express: Vital Statistics Let's begin with some essential details about the Modern Express. This Roll-On/Roll-Off vehicle carrier, flagged under Panama, had a gross tonnage of 33,831, a deadweight of 10,454 tons, and measured 164 meters in length, 28 meters in breadth, with a draft of 8.72 meters. She was built in 2001, setting the stage for the dramatic events that unfolded on January 26, 2016. Battling the Elements On that fat...